Search results: 1223
a. The present course aims are familiarizing the participants with the principles & practices
and structure of different types of taxes in Indian economy.
b. A student of taxation will have to make a detailed study of tax policy and tax provisions
in India.
c. A broad understanding or role of taxation in economic and industrial development of an
d. A broad understanding of financial planning process
e. An Understating o f asset allocation process and retirement planning
- Teacher: Dr. Amit Kumar Goyal
- Teacher: Dr. Amit Kumar Goyal
Course Objective:
- To create appreciation and understanding of both the achievements of AI and the theory underlying those achievements. In addition, introduce the concepts of a Rational Intelligent Agent and the different types of Agents that can be designed to solve problems
- To review the different stages of development of the AI field from human like behaviour to Rational Agents.
- To impart basic proficiency in representing difficult real life problems in a state space representation to solve them using AI techniques like searching and game playing.
- To create an understanding of the basic issues of knowledge representation and Logic and blind and heuristic search, as well as an understanding of other topics such as minimal, resolution, etc. that play an important role in AI programs.
- To introduce advanced topics of AI such as planning, Bayes networks, natural language processing and Cognitive Computing.

Course Outcomes:
- CO 1 Describe the features of a database system and its application and compare various types of data models.
- CO 2 Construct an ER Model for a given problem and transform it into a relation database schema.
- CO 3 Formulate solution to a query problem using SQL Commands, relational algebra, tuple calculus and domain calculus.
- CO 4 Explain the need of normalization and normalize a given relation to the desired normal form.
- CO 5 Explain different approaches of transaction processing and concurrency control

Course Outcomes:
- CO1 Use the Concept of Data Abstraction and Encapsulation in C++ programs.
- CO2 Write SQL commands to query a database.
- CO3 Write PL/SQL programs for implementing stored procedures, stored functions, cursors, trigger and packages.

D&DA Course Outcome:
1. Understand Android architecture, installation and configuration of Android Studio, Intents and Activities, Testing and Debugging mobile app
2. Use built-in widgets and GUI components, XML Layouts, Testing UI
3. Learn Android Internet connection, Notifications and managing Background Tasks
4. Understand basics of Database, Introduction to SQLite, and data sharing
5. Learn publishing App on play store, Google Services, Firebase, Google Cloud Messaging

CO 1 Explain the concept of data structure, abstract data types, algorithms,
analysis of algorithms and basic data organization schemes such as arrays
and linked lists. K2
CO 2 Describe the applications of stacks and queues and implement various
operations on them using arrays and linked lists. K3
CO 3 Describe the properties of graphs and trees and implement various
operations such as searching and traversal on them. K3
CO 4 Compare incremental and divide-and-conquer approaches of designing
algorithms for problems such as sorting and searching. K4
CO 5 Apply and analyze various design approaches such as Divide-and-Conquer,
greedy, and dynamic for problem-solving. K4
CO1 |
analyse and describe the project. |
BL-4 |
CO2 |
formulate clear work plan and procedures. |
BL-4 |
CO3 |
design the software various designing techniques. |
BL-5 |
CO4 |
implement a project by using a programming language. |
BL-5 |
CO5 |
design report and able to present and able to present their work |
BL-5 |
Course Outcome:
1. To learn and understand basic OOP concepts and fundamental of Java Programming
2. To learn implementation of OOP concepts using Java
3. To learn exception handling and file handling in Java
4. To learn multithreading and generic programming in Java
5. To learn GUI application development using AWT and Swing in Java.
- Teacher: Dr. Amit Kumar Goyal
CO 1 Explain main components, services, types and structure of Operating Systems. K2
CO 2 Apply the various algorithms and techniques to handle the various concurrency
control issues. K3
CO 3 Compare and apply various CPU scheduling algorithms for process execution. K2
CO 4 Identify occurrence of deadlock and describe ways to handle it. K3
CO 5 Explain and apply various memory, I/O and disk management techniques. K5
- Teacher: MS VIDUSHI [MCA]
Course Objectives
The objective of the course is to teach techniques for effective problem solving in computing.
The use of different paradigms of problem solving will be used to illustrate clever and efficient
ways to solve a given problem. In each case emphasis will be placed on rigorously proving
correctness of the algorithm. In addition, the analysis of the algorithm will be used to show the
efficiency of the algorithm over the naive techniques.

- To analyze worst-case running time of algorithms and understand fundamental algorithmic problems.
- To understand how asymptotic notation is used to provide a rough classification of algorithms, how a number of algorithms for fundamental problems in computer science and engineering work and compare with one another.
- To introduce the methods of designing and analyzing algorithms
- To study about various designing paradigms of algorithms for solving real world problems.

Course Objective
- Introduce concepts of mathematical logic for analyzing propositions and proving theorems.
- Use sets for solving applied problems, and use the properties of set operations algebraically.
- Work with relations and investigate their properties.
- Investigate functions as relations and their properties.
- Introduce basic concepts of graphs, digraphs and trees.

Course Outcome
- Construct Flowchart and Write algorithms for solving basic problems.
- Write ‘C’ programs that incorporate use of variables, operators and expressions along with data types.
- Write simple programs using the basic elements like control statements, functions, arrays and strings.
- Write advanced programs using the concepts of pointers, structures, unions and enumerated data types.
- Apply pre-processor directives and basic file handling and graphics operations in advanced programming.
- Construct Flowchart and Write algorithms for solving basic problems.
- Write ‘C’ programs that incorporate use of variables, operators and expressions along with data types.
- Write simple programs using the basic elements like control statements, functions, arrays and strings.
- Write advanced programs using the concepts of pointers, structures, unions and enumerated data types.
- Apply pre-processor directives and basic file handling and graphics operations in advanced programming.
The objectives of this course are to make the student understand programming language, programming, concepts of Loops, reading a set of Data, stepwise refinement, Functions, Control structure, Arrays. After completion of this course the student is expected to analyze the real life problem and write a program in ‘C’ language to solve the problem. The main emphasis of the course will be on problem solving aspect i.e. developing proper algorithms. After completion of the course the student will be able to
• Develop efficient algorithms for solving a problem.
• Use the various constructs of a programming language viz. conditional, iteration and recursion.
• Implement the algorithms in “C” language.
• Use simple data structures like arrays, stacks and linked list in solving problems.
• Handling File in “C”.