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Fourth Semester
Operating System
Section A

- Teacher: Dr. HARSH KHATTER [CO]
- Teacher: Mr. Pardeep Tyagi [CO]
- Teacher: MS ARTI SHARMA [CO]
- Teacher: MS NEHA SHUKLA [CO]
- Teacher: Puneet Kumar Goyal [CS]
- Teacher: Dr.Sapna Juneja [CSE- AI]
- Teacher: Mr. Vinay Kumar [CSIT]
- Teacher: MS ANJALI JAIN [IT]
- Teacher: Ms. Bhawna CSE(AI&ML)
Course Outcomes: To Understand the basic elements of optical fiber transmission link, fiber modes configurations and structures. |
To understand the different classifications for optical fibers types, differentiate among the losses and calculate the number of guided modes in different optical fibers. |
Description of different optical sources with calculation of various power efficiencies. |
Description of different optical detectors with calculation of power efficiencies of various detectors. |
Design an optical power link and analyze the power budget analysis with understanding of Homodyne and heterodyne detection. |
1. To learn the basic elements of optical fiber transmission link, fiber modes configurations and structures.
2. To understand the different kind of losses, signal distortion, SM fibers.
3. To learn the various optical sources, materials and fiber splicing.
4. To learn the fiber optical receivers and noise performance in photo detector.
5. To learn link budget, WDM, solitons and SONET/SDH network.
Microbiology lab deals with the experiments include preparation of different culture medias and nutrient broth as well the inoculation of different microbes to determine the growth of mocribes in different type of medias.
Pharmaceutical jurisprudence is the study of rules and regulations of pharmacy, pharmacy practice and also relating to drugs and pharmaceuticals.

This course is designed to impart basic knowledge and skills on the art and
science of formulating and dispensing different pharmaceutical dosage forms.

Pharmaceutics Practical I designed to create a basic understanding of the preparation of pharmaceutical formulations.
Pharmaceutics is the discipline of pharmacy that deals with the process of turning a new chemical entity (NCE) or old drugs into a medication to be used safely and effectively by patients. It is also called the science of dosage form design.

Scope: The course deals with different basic pharmaceutical formulation aspects.
Objectives: Upon the completion of the course student shall be able to
1. Understand colloids, rheology, micromeritics and drug stability.
2. Know the principles of formulation preparations.
3. Demonstrate the method of preparation and evaluation of dosage forms.

Scope: The course deals with the various physica and physicochemical properties, and principles involved in dosage forms/formulations. Theory and practical components of the subject help the student to get a better insight into various areas of formulation research and development, and stability studies of pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Objectives: Upon the completion of the course student shall be able to
1. Understand various physicochemical properties of drug molecules in the designing the dosage forms.
2. Know the principles of chemical kinetics & to use them for stability testing and determination of expiry date of formulations.
3. Demonstrate use of physicochemical properties in the formulation.
development and evaluation of dosage forms.

B. Tech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Semester: VIth (Even Semester)
Session 2021–2022
Part A
Prepared by
Dr. Brijesh Singh, Associate Professor

M. Tech, 2nd Semester
CO 1 Describe primary features, processes and principles of management. K1, K2
CO 2 Explain functions of management in terms of planning, decision making and organizing. K3, K4
CO 3 Illustrate key factors of leadership skill in directing and controlling business resources and processes. K5, K6
CO 4 Exhibit adequate verbal and non-verbal communication skills K1, K3
CO 5 Demonstrate effective discussion, presentation and writing skills. K3, K5
Project Management