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COURSE OBJECTIVE: Students undergoing this course are expected:
1. To understand the concept ofuniversal op-amp based biquad.
2. To analyseamplitude control or stabilization applied to any sinusoidal oscillators and Op-amp/ OTA based function generator.
3. To design log/antilog circuits and find applications of analog multiplier/ divider.
4. To learn digital system design and its hardware implementation using TTL/ CMOS ICs and Any circuit idea using 555 Timer.
5. To design the circuit, Make hardware and measure various parameters and Simulation in Spice of the
designed circuit.
internship and minor specialization
- Teacher: Arti Pandey [CSIT]
- Teacher: Jaya Sharma [CSIT]
- Teacher: Praveer Dubey [CSIT]
D&DA Course Outcome:
1. Understand Android architecture, installation and configuration of Android Studio, Intents and Activities, Testing and Debugging mobile app
2. Use built-in widgets and GUI components, XML Layouts, Testing UI
3. Learn Android Internet connection, Notifications and managing Background Tasks
4. Understand basics of Database, Introduction to SQLite, and data sharing
5. Learn publishing App on play store, Google Services, Firebase, Google Cloud Messaging
Course Outcome:
1. To learn and understand basic OOP concepts and fundamental of Java Programming
2. To learn implementation of OOP concepts using Java
3. To learn exception handling and file handling in Java
4. To learn multithreading and generic programming in Java
5. To learn GUI application development using AWT and Swing in Java.
- Teacher: Dr. Amit Kumar Goyal
Course Objective
- To learn the systematic approach to the development, operation, maintenance and retirement of software.
- To develop methods and procedures for software development that can scale up for large systems and that can be used consistently to produce high-quality software at low cost and with a small cycle of time.
- Understanding of software testing approaches such as unit testing and integration testing.
- Describe software measurement and software risks.
- Understanding of software evolution and related issues such as version management.
- Understanding on quality control and how to ensure good quality software.
SE Lab Outcome
- Learn about different software development process models and software engineering principles and develop an ability to apply them to software design of real life problems.
- Plan, analyse, design and implement a software project using programming languages like Java, Python, R etc.
- To design report and able to present work with their team.
Course Outcomes
1. To understand internet and web
designing concepts.
2. To create web pages using HTML, CSS and
by using various designing frameworks and libraries.
3. To build dynamic web pages using
client side scripting language JavaScript and to write XML document.
4. To build interactive web application
using PHP.
5. To construct and manipulate database
of web application using PHP and MySQL.
Course Outcome:
1. To learn and understand basic OOP concepts and fundamental of Java Programming
2. To learn implementation of OOP concepts using Java
3. To learn exception handling and file handling in Java
4. To learn multithreading and generic programming in Java
5. To learn GUI application development using AWT and Swing in Java.
Artificial Intelligence has been around for over half a century now and its advancements are growing at an exponential rate. The demand for AI is at its peak and if you wish to learn about Artificial Intelligence. This lab of Artificial Intelligence With Python will help you understand all the concepts of AI with practical implementations in Python.
Course Outcome
CO 1: Describe communication models TCP/IP, ISO-OSI model, network topologies along with communicating devices and connecting media.
CO 2: Apply knowledge of error detection, correction and learn concepts of flow control along with error control.
CO 3: Classify various IP addressing techniques, subnetting along with network routing protocols and algorithms.
CO 4: Understand various transport layer protocols and their design considerations along with congestion control to maintain Quality of Service.
CO 5: Understand applications-layer protocols and elementary standards of cryptography and network security.
Course Objective
- To learn the systematic approach to the development, operation, maintenance and retirement of software.
- To develop methods and procedures for software development that can scale up for large systems and that can be used consistently to produce high-quality software at low cost and with a small cycle of time.
- Understanding of software testing approaches such as unit testing and integration testing.
- Describe software measurement and software risks.
- Understanding of software evolution and related issues such as version management.
- Understanding on quality control and how to ensure good quality software.
Course Outcome
CO 1: Apply the knowledge of HTML and CSS to develop web application and analyze the insights of internet programming to implement complete application over the web.
CO 2: Understand, analyze and apply the role of JavaScript in the workings of the web and web applications.
CO 3: Understand, analyze and build dynamic web applications using servlet and JSP. K2, K3
CO 4: Develop Spring-based Java applications using Java configuration, XML configuration, annotation-based configuration, beans and their scopes, and properties.
CO 5: Develop web application using Spring Boot and RESTFul Web Services
Course Outcome:
1. To learn and understand basic OOP concepts and fundamental of Java Programming
2. To learn implementation of OOP concepts using Java
3. To learn exception handling and file handling in Java
4. To learn multithreading and generic programming in Java
5. To learn GUI application development using AWT and Swing in Java.
Course Outcomes
1. To understand internet and web designing concepts.
2. To create web pages using HTML, CSS and by using various designing frameworks and libraries.
3. To build dynamic web pages using client side scripting language JavaScript and to write XML document.
4. To build interactive web application using PHP.
5. To construct and manipulate database of web application using PHP and MySQL.
Course Outcome:
1. To learn and understand basic OOP concepts and fundamental of Java Programming
2. To learn implementation of OOP concepts using Java
3. To learn exception handling and file handling in Java
4. To learn multithreading and generic programming in Java
5. To learn GUI application development using AWT and Swing in Java.
HTML-Introduction, HTML Tags, HTML-Grouping Using Div & Span
HTML-Images, HTML-Lists, HTMLHyperlink, HTML-Table, HTML-Iframe, HTML-Form,
Introduction and Web Development Strategies, History of Web and Internet, Protocols Governing Web,
Introduction of CSS, CSS Syntax, External Style Sheet using < link >
REVISON & Doubt clearing
Introduction to JavaScript, Creating Variables in JavaScript
Creating Functions in JavaScript, Event Handling, Returing Data from Functions
"Working with
Conditions, looping in JavaScript"
Block Scope Variables, Working with Objects
Creating Object using Object Literals
"Manipulating DOM Elements with
REVISON & Doubt clearing
"Servlet Overview and
Architecture, Interface Servlet and the Servlet Life Cycle"
Handling HTTP get Requests, Handling HTTP post Requests
Redirecting Requests to Other Resources, Session Tracking, Cookies,
Session Tracking with Http Session. Java Server Pages (JSP)
A First Java Server Page Example,
Implicit Objects, Scripting
Standard Actions, Directives
Custom Tag Libraries.
REVISON & Doubt clearing
Spring Core Basics-Spring Dependency Injection concepts
Introduction to Design patterns
factory Design Pattern
Strategy Design pattern
Spring Inversion of Control, AOP
Bean Scopes- Singleton, Prototype
Request, Session, Application
WebSocket, Auto wiring
Annotations, Life Cycle Call backs
Bean Configuration styles
Spring Boot- Spring Boot Configuration
Spring Boot Annotations, Spring Boot Actuator
Spring Boot Build Systems, Spring Boot Code Structure
Spring Boot Runners, Logger
Rest Controller, Request Mapping, Request Body, Path Variable
Request Parameter, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE APIs, Build Web Applications