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Drug Delivery System course is designed to impart knowledge on the area of advances in novel drug delivery systems. Upon completion of the Drug Delivery System course, student shall be able to understand
§ The various approaches for development of Novel Drug Delivery Systems.
§ The criteria for selection of drugs and polymers for the development of delivering system.
§ The formulation and evaluation of Novel Drug Delivery Systems.

Data Structure Lab
Section A2

- Teacher: Dr. HARSH KHATTER [CO]
- Teacher: Mr. Pardeep Tyagi [CO]
- Teacher: MR. SREESH GAUR [CS]
Please find the attached Google Drive Link of B.Tech. 1st Semester e- Book Bank for uploading on Moodle.
1. Describe the fundamentals of circuit switching and distinguish complex telephone systems.
2. Differentiate the fundamentals of Space division switching and time division switching.
3. Design, develop and evaluate the telecom traffic to meet defined specifications and needs.
4. Identify the control of switching networks and signalling concepts.
5. Classify the engineering concepts of packet switching and routing which will help to design various switch architectures for future research work.
An embedded system is a microprocessor-based computer hardware system with software that is designed to perform a dedicated function, either as an independent system or as a part of a large system. At the core is an integrated circuit designed to carry out computation for real-time operations.
Complexities range from a single microcontroller to a suite of processors with connected peripherals and networks; from no user interface to complex graphical user interfaces. The complexity of an embedded system varies significantly depending on the task for which it is designed.
Embedded system applications range from digital watches and microwaves to hybrid vehicles and avionics. As much as 98 percent of all microprocessors manufactured are used in embedded systems.

This course is specially designed for the first year Engineering students. It comprises of basic understanding of Electronics Engineering and their application in modern day technology.
1.Understand the concept of PN Junction and devices.
2. Understand the concept of BJT, FET and MOFET.
3. Understand the concept of Operational amplifier
4. Understand the concept of measurement instrument.
5. Understand the working principle of different type of sensor and their uses.
6. Understand the concept of IoT system & Understand the component of IoT system
- Teacher: Dr. Narendra Kumar [ECE]
- Teacher: Mr. SATYAM MISHRA [ECE]
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts of IoT, followed by major components, its layer architecture and how IoT is impacting the industry in the various forms along with major applications.
2. To make students aware about basic concepts of cloud computing, its benefits and different applications along with insights of major service providers.
3. To understand the basic concepts of Blockchain and its underlying technologies with its implementation as cryptocurrencies.
4. To understand the concept of Additive Manufacturing, its applications in various fields and the basic concepts of drones, their assembly and government regulations involved.
5. To introduce students to the upcoming technology and to develop the required skills for practical applications.
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts of IoT, followed by major components, its layer
architecture and how IoT is impacting the Industry in the various forms along with major
2. To make students aware about basic concepts of cloud computing, its benefits and different
applications along with insights of major service providers.
3. To understand the basic concepts of Blockchain and its underlying technologies with its
implementation as cryptocurrencies.
4. To understand the concept of Additive Manufacturing, its applications in various fields and
the basic concepts of drones, their assembly and government regulations involved.
5. To introduce students to the upcoming technology and to develop the required skills for
practical applications.
- Teacher: shruti.pandey
- Teacher: Dr. Narendra Kumar [ECE]
- Teacher: MR AMIT KUMAR [ECE]
UNIT-1: Energy Scenario: Classification of Energy, Indian energy scenario, Sectorial energy
consumption (domestic, industrial and other sectors), energy needs of growing economy, energy
intensity, long term energy scenario, energy pricing, energy security, energy conservation and its
importance, energy strategy for the future.
Energy Conservation Act 2001 and related policies: Energy conservation Act 2001 and its
features, notifications under the Act, Schemes of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) including
Designated consumers, State Designated Agencies, Electricity Act 2003, Integrated energy policy,
National action plan on climate change, ECBC code for Building Construction.
UNIT-2: Demand Side Management (DSM): Concept and Scope of Demand Side Management,
Difference between Energy Efficiency and DSM, Evolution of Demand Side Management, DSM
Strategy, Planning, Implementation and its application, Customer Acceptance & its implementation
issues, National and International Experiences with DSM, UDAY scheme and other government
initiatives for DISCOMs.
Energy Monitoring and Targeting: Defining monitoring & targeting, elements of monitoring &
targeting, data and information-analysis, techniques –energy consumption, production, cumulative
sum of differences (CUSUM). Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS)
UNIT-3: Energy Audit: Aim of energy Audit, Strategies of Energy Audit, Energy management
Team Consideration in implementing energy conservation Programme, Process flow diagram, Energy
Audit report format, Benchmarking and Energy Performance, Instruments for energy audit, Economic
UNIT-4: System Audit of Mechanical Utilities: Pumps, types and application, unit’s assessment,
improvement option, parallel and series operating pump performance. Energy Saving in Pumps &
Pumping Systems. Bloomers (Blowers) types & application, its performance assessment, series &
parallel operation applications & advantages. Energy Saving in Blowers Compressors, types &
applications, specific power consumption, compressed air system & economic of system changes.
Energy Saving in Compressors & Compressed Air Systems Cooling towers, its types and
performance assessment & limitations, water loss in cooling tower. Case studies related to Energy
Audit & Management in Industries
UNIT-5: Energy Efficient Technology: Need for Energy Efficient Devices, Life Cycle Assessment,
Comparison between simple pay-back and life cycle cost assessment, Energy Efficient Motors-motor
losses and loss reduction techniques, determining and comparing motor efficiencies, motor efficiency
testing standards, BIS specification for Energy Efficient Motors, efficiency as a function of load,
Energy Efficient Lighting Sources-compact fluorescent lamp, light emitting diode, LED lamp, role of
voltage on the efficiency of lighting system, Importance of Automatic power factor controllers,
Variable Frequency Drives.