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Course Outcome
CO 1: Describe communication models TCP/IP, ISO-OSI model, network topologies along with communicating devices and connecting media.
CO 2: Apply knowledge of error detection, correction and learn concepts of flow control along with error control.
CO 3: Classify various IP addressing techniques, subnetting along with network routing protocols and algorithms.
CO 4: Understand various transport layer protocols and their design considerations along with congestion control to maintain Quality of Service.
CO 5: Understand applications-layer protocols and elementary standards of cryptography and network security.
The objectives of this course are to make the student understand programming language, programming, concepts of Loops, reading a set of Data, stepwise refinement, Functions, Control structure, Arrays. After completion of this course the student is expected to analyze the real life problem and write a program in ‘C’ language to solve the problem. The main emphasis of the course will be on problem solving aspect i.e. developing proper algorithms. After completion of the course the student will be able to
• Develop efficient algorithms for solving a problem.
• Use the various constructs of a programming language viz. conditional, iteration and recursion.
• Implement the algorithms in “C” language.
• Use simple data structures like arrays, stacks and linked list in solving problems.
• Handling File in “C”.

Course Objective
- To learn the systematic approach to the development, operation, maintenance and retirement of software.
- To develop methods and procedures for software development that can scale up for large systems and that can be used consistently to produce high-quality software at low cost and with a small cycle of time.
- Understanding of software testing approaches such as unit testing and integration testing.
- Describe software measurement and software risks.
- Understanding of software evolution and related issues such as version management.
- Understanding on quality control and how to ensure good quality software.

Course Outcome
CO 1: Apply the knowledge of HTML and CSS to develop web application and analyze the insights of internet programming to implement complete application over the web.
CO 2: Understand, analyze and apply the role of JavaScript in the workings of the web and web applications.
CO 3: Understand, analyze and build dynamic web applications using servlet and JSP. K2, K3
CO 4: Develop Spring-based Java applications using Java configuration, XML configuration, annotation-based configuration, beans and their scopes, and properties.
CO 5: Develop web application using Spring Boot and RESTFul Web Services
- Teacher: Dr. Amit Kumar Goyal
- Teacher: Dr. Amit Kumar Goyal
- Teacher: DR AMIT KUMAR [MCA]
Program No. Objective of Experiment
1 To implement addition and multiplication of two 2D arrays.
2 To transpose a 2D array.
3 To Implement Single Linked list with different insertion and deletion operations
4 To implement Doubly Linked list with different insertion and deletion operations
5 To implement stack using array
6 To implement queue using array.
7 To implement circular queue using array.
8 To implement stack using linked list.
9 To implement queue using linked list.
10 To implement BFS using linked list.
11 To implement DFS using linked list.
12 To implement Linear Search.
13 To implement Binary Search.
14 To implement Bubble Sorting.
15 To implement Selection Sorting.
16 To implement Insertion Sorting.
17 To implement Merge Sorting & quick Sorting.
18 To implement Heap Sorting.
19 To implement Matrix Multiplication by strassen’s algorithm
20 Find Minimum Spanning Tree using Kruskal’s Algorithm
CO 1:- Study and aware fundamentals of mobile computing.
CO 2:- Study and analyze wireless networking protocols, applications andenvironment.
CO 3:- Understand various data management issues in mobile computing.
CO 4:- Analyze different type of security issues in mobile computing environment.
CO 5:- Study, analyze, and evaluate various routing protocols used in mobile computing.
Course Outcome:
1. To learn and understand basic OOP concepts and fundamental of Java Programming
2. To learn implementation of OOP concepts using Java
3. To learn exception handling and file handling in Java
4. To learn multithreading and generic programming in Java
5. To learn GUI application development using AWT and Swing in Java.
Course Outcome
CO 1: Write and execute programs in a Java programming environment. |
CO 2: Write and execute Object Oriented Programs using Java programming |
CO 3: Write robust file handling and Object-Oriented Programs with excepting handling approach using Java programming. |
CO 4: Write Object Oriented Programs with multi-threading and generic programming approach using Java programming. |
CO 5: Design GUI application with AWT and Swing using Java programming |