Search results: 259
This course only for A2 Batch V-Semester
- Teacher: Ankit Kumar Saini [CSIT]
- Teacher: Mr. Prince Kumar [CSIT]
- Teacher: Mr. Vinay Kumar [CSIT]
- Teacher: Ms. Shivangi Tyagi [CSIT]
- Teacher: Silki Kharaliya
Category: Mr. Ankit Kumar
COURSE OBJECTIVE: Students undergoing this course are expected:
1. To understand the concept ofuniversal op-amp based biquad.
2. To analyseamplitude control or stabilization applied to any sinusoidal oscillators and Op-amp/ OTA based function generator.
3. To design log/antilog circuits and find applications of analog multiplier/ divider.
4. To learn digital system design and its hardware implementation using TTL/ CMOS ICs and Any circuit idea using 555 Timer.
5. To design the circuit, Make hardware and measure various parameters and Simulation in Spice of the
designed circuit.

Category: Mr. Shubham Shukla
internship and minor specialization
- Teacher: Arti Pandey [CSIT]
- Teacher: Jaya Sharma [CSIT]
- Teacher: Praveer Dubey [CSIT]
Category: Dr. Pushpa
Course Objectives:
- Understand the different basic concept / fundamentals of business statistics.
- Understand the importance of measures of Descriptive statistics which includes measures of central tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Time Series Analysis, Index Number, Correlation and Regression analysis and their implication on Business performance.
- Understand the concept of Probability and its usage in various business applications.
- Understand the Hypothesis Testing concepts and use inferential statistics- t, F, Z Test and Chi Square Test
- Understand the practical application of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics concepts and their uses for Business Analytics.
Category: Mani Tyagi
With the evolution of mankind and radical transformation of society, project management emerged as a need to develop something new or update already existing structure or technology in more organized manner. The course structure is broadly categorized in five parts: Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Idea and Innovation; Project Management ; Project Financing; Social Entrepreneurship
Category: Mr. Himanshu Choudhary
a. The present course aims are familiarizing the participants with the principles & practices
and structure of different types of taxes in Indian economy.
b. A student of taxation will have to make a detailed study of tax policy and tax provisions
in India.
c. A broad understanding or role of taxation in economic and industrial development of an
d. A broad understanding of financial planning process
e. An Understating o f asset allocation process and retirement planning
Category: Renu Sharma
Course Objective:
- To create appreciation and understanding of both the achievements of AI and the theory underlying those achievements. In addition, introduce the concepts of a Rational Intelligent Agent and the different types of Agents that can be designed to solve problems
- To review the different stages of development of the AI field from human like behaviour to Rational Agents.
- To impart basic proficiency in representing difficult real life problems in a state space representation to solve them using AI techniques like searching and game playing.
- To create an understanding of the basic issues of knowledge representation and Logic and blind and heuristic search, as well as an understanding of other topics such as minimal, resolution, etc. that play an important role in AI programs.
- To introduce advanced topics of AI such as planning, Bayes networks, natural language processing and Cognitive Computing.

Category: Ms. Neelam Rawat
Course Outcomes:
- CO 1 Describe the features of a database system and its application and compare various types of data models.
- CO 2 Construct an ER Model for a given problem and transform it into a relation database schema.
- CO 3 Formulate solution to a query problem using SQL Commands, relational algebra, tuple calculus and domain calculus.
- CO 4 Explain the need of normalization and normalize a given relation to the desired normal form.
- CO 5 Explain different approaches of transaction processing and concurrency control

Category: Ms. Neelam Rawat
Course Outcomes:
- CO1 Use the Concept of Data Abstraction and Encapsulation in C++ programs.
- CO2 Write SQL commands to query a database.
- CO3 Write PL/SQL programs for implementing stored procedures, stored functions, cursors, trigger and packages.

Category: Ms. Neelam Rawat
D&DA Course Outcome:
1. Understand Android architecture, installation and configuration of Android Studio, Intents and Activities, Testing and Debugging mobile app
2. Use built-in widgets and GUI components, XML Layouts, Testing UI
3. Learn Android Internet connection, Notifications and managing Background Tasks
4. Understand basics of Database, Introduction to SQLite, and data sharing
5. Learn publishing App on play store, Google Services, Firebase, Google Cloud Messaging
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
CO 1 Explain the concept of data structure, abstract data types, algorithms,
analysis of algorithms and basic data organization schemes such as arrays
and linked lists. K2
CO 2 Describe the applications of stacks and queues and implement various
operations on them using arrays and linked lists. K3
CO 3 Describe the properties of graphs and trees and implement various
operations such as searching and traversal on them. K3
CO 4 Compare incremental and divide-and-conquer approaches of designing
algorithms for problems such as sorting and searching. K4
CO 5 Apply and analyze various design approaches such as Divide-and-Conquer,
greedy, and dynamic for problem-solving. K4
Category: Mr. Ankit Verma
CO1 |
analyse and describe the project. |
BL-4 |
CO2 |
formulate clear work plan and procedures. |
BL-4 |
CO3 |
design the software various designing techniques. |
BL-5 |
CO4 |
implement a project by using a programming language. |
BL-5 |
CO5 |
design report and able to present and able to present their work |
BL-5 |
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Course Outcome:
1. To learn and understand basic OOP concepts and fundamental of Java Programming
2. To learn implementation of OOP concepts using Java
3. To learn exception handling and file handling in Java
4. To learn multithreading and generic programming in Java
5. To learn GUI application development using AWT and Swing in Java.
- Teacher: Dr. Amit Kumar Goyal
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
CO 1 Explain main components, services, types and structure of Operating Systems. K2
CO 2 Apply the various algorithms and techniques to handle the various concurrency
control issues. K3
CO 3 Compare and apply various CPU scheduling algorithms for process execution. K2
CO 4 Identify occurrence of deadlock and describe ways to handle it. K3
CO 5 Explain and apply various memory, I/O and disk management techniques. K5
Category: Mr. Ankit Verma
Course Objective
- Introduce concepts of mathematical logic for analyzing propositions and proving theorems.
- Use sets for solving applied problems, and use the properties of set operations algebraically.
- Work with relations and investigate their properties.
- Investigate functions as relations and their properties.
- Introduce basic concepts of graphs, digraphs and trees.

Category: Ms. Neelam Rawat
The objectives of this course are to make the student understand programming language, programming, concepts of Loops, reading a set of Data, stepwise refinement, Functions, Control structure, Arrays. After completion of this course the student is expected to analyze the real life problem and write a program in ‘C’ language to solve the problem. The main emphasis of the course will be on problem solving aspect i.e. developing proper algorithms. After completion of the course the student will be able to
• Develop efficient algorithms for solving a problem.
• Use the various constructs of a programming language viz. conditional, iteration and recursion.
• Implement the algorithms in “C” language.
• Use simple data structures like arrays, stacks and linked list in solving problems.
• Handling File in “C”.

Category: Mr. Prashant Agrawal
The purpose of this course is to introduce to students to the field of programming using C language. The students will be able to enhance their analyzing and problem solving skills and use the same for writing programs in C.
Course Outcomes: After Completion of the course student should able to
· Know concepts in problem solving
· To do programming in C language
· To write diversified solutions using C language

Category: Mr. Prashant Agrawal
CO 1:- Study and aware fundamentals of mobile computing.
CO 2:- Study and analyze wireless networking protocols, applications andenvironment.
CO 3:- Understand various data management issues in mobile computing.
CO 4:- Analyze different type of security issues in mobile computing environment.
CO 5:- Study, analyze, and evaluate various routing protocols used in mobile computing.
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Course Outcome:
1. To learn and understand basic OOP concepts and fundamental of Java Programming
2. To learn implementation of OOP concepts using Java
3. To learn exception handling and file handling in Java
4. To learn multithreading and generic programming in Java
5. To learn GUI application development using AWT and Swing in Java.
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Course Outcome
CO 1: Write and execute programs in a Java programming environment. |
CO 2: Write and execute Object Oriented Programs using Java programming |
CO 3: Write robust file handling and Object-Oriented Programs with excepting handling approach using Java programming. |
CO 4: Write Object Oriented Programs with multi-threading and generic programming approach using Java programming. |
CO 5: Design GUI application with AWT and Swing using Java programming |
- Teacher: Dr. Amit Kumar Goyal
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a research field that studies how to realize the intelligent human behaviors on a computer. The ultimate goal of AI is to make a computer that can learn, plan, and solve problems autonomously. Although AI has been studied for more than half a century, we still cannot make a computer that is as intelligent as a human in all aspects. However, we do have many successful applications. In some cases, the computer equipped with AI technology can be even more intelligent than us. The Deep Blue system which defeated the world chess champion is a well-know example.
The main research topics in AI include: problem solving, reasoning, planning, natural language understanding, computer vision, automatic programming, machine learning, and so on. Of course, these topics are closely related with each other. For example, the knowledge acquired through learning can be used both for problem solving and for reasoning. In fact, the skill for problem solving itself should be acquired through learning. Also, methods for problem solving are useful both for reasoning and planning. Further, both natural language understanding and computer vision can be solved using methods developed in the field of pattern recognition.
In this course, we will study the most fundamental knowledge for understanding AI. We will introduce some basic search algorithms for problem solving; knowledge representation and reasoning; pattern recognition; fuzzy logic; and neural networks.

Category: Mr. Prashant Agrawal
Artificial Intelligence has been around for over half a century now and its advancements are growing at an exponential rate. The demand for AI is at its peak and if you wish to learn about Artificial Intelligence. This lab of Artificial Intelligence With Python will help you understand all the concepts of AI with practical implementations in Python.

Category: Mr. Prashant Agrawal
Course Outcome
CO 1: Describe communication models TCP/IP, ISO-OSI model, network topologies along with communicating devices and connecting media.
CO 2: Apply knowledge of error detection, correction and learn concepts of flow control along with error control.
CO 3: Classify various IP addressing techniques, subnetting along with network routing protocols and algorithms.
CO 4: Understand various transport layer protocols and their design considerations along with congestion control to maintain Quality of Service.
CO 5: Understand applications-layer protocols and elementary standards of cryptography and network security.
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
The objectives of this course are to make the student understand programming language, programming, concepts of Loops, reading a set of Data, stepwise refinement, Functions, Control structure, Arrays. After completion of this course the student is expected to analyze the real life problem and write a program in ‘C’ language to solve the problem. The main emphasis of the course will be on problem solving aspect i.e. developing proper algorithms. After completion of the course the student will be able to
• Develop efficient algorithms for solving a problem.
• Use the various constructs of a programming language viz. conditional, iteration and recursion.
• Implement the algorithms in “C” language.
• Use simple data structures like arrays, stacks and linked list in solving problems.
• Handling File in “C”.

Category: Mr. Prashant Agrawal
Course Objective
- To learn the systematic approach to the development, operation, maintenance and retirement of software.
- To develop methods and procedures for software development that can scale up for large systems and that can be used consistently to produce high-quality software at low cost and with a small cycle of time.
- Understanding of software testing approaches such as unit testing and integration testing.
- Describe software measurement and software risks.
- Understanding of software evolution and related issues such as version management.
- Understanding on quality control and how to ensure good quality software.

Category: Ms. Neelam Rawat
Value Added Course For:
2. CSS
3. Bootstrap
4. JavaScript
5. ES6
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Course Outcome
CO 1: Apply the knowledge of HTML and CSS to develop web application and analyze the insights of internet programming to implement complete application over the web.
CO 2: Understand, analyze and apply the role of JavaScript in the workings of the web and web applications.
CO 3: Understand, analyze and build dynamic web applications using servlet and JSP. K2, K3
CO 4: Develop Spring-based Java applications using Java configuration, XML configuration, annotation-based configuration, beans and their scopes, and properties.
CO 5: Develop web application using Spring Boot and RESTFul Web Services
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Program No. Objective of Experiment
1 To implement addition and multiplication of two 2D arrays.
2 To transpose a 2D array.
3 To Implement Single Linked list with different insertion and deletion operations
4 To implement Doubly Linked list with different insertion and deletion operations
5 To implement stack using array
6 To implement queue using array.
7 To implement circular queue using array.
8 To implement stack using linked list.
9 To implement queue using linked list.
10 To implement BFS using linked list.
11 To implement DFS using linked list.
12 To implement Linear Search.
13 To implement Binary Search.
14 To implement Bubble Sorting.
15 To implement Selection Sorting.
16 To implement Insertion Sorting.
17 To implement Merge Sorting & quick Sorting.
18 To implement Heap Sorting.
19 To implement Matrix Multiplication by strassen’s algorithm
20 Find Minimum Spanning Tree using Kruskal’s Algorithm
Category: Mr. Ankit Verma
CO 1:- Study and aware fundamentals of mobile computing.
CO 2:- Study and analyze wireless networking protocols, applications andenvironment.
CO 3:- Understand various data management issues in mobile computing.
CO 4:- Analyze different type of security issues in mobile computing environment.
CO 5:- Study, analyze, and evaluate various routing protocols used in mobile computing.
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Course Outcome:
1. To learn and understand basic OOP concepts and fundamental of Java Programming
2. To learn implementation of OOP concepts using Java
3. To learn exception handling and file handling in Java
4. To learn multithreading and generic programming in Java
5. To learn GUI application development using AWT and Swing in Java.
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Course Outcome
CO 1: Write and execute programs in a Java programming environment. |
CO 2: Write and execute Object Oriented Programs using Java programming |
CO 3: Write robust file handling and Object-Oriented Programs with excepting handling approach using Java programming. |
CO 4: Write Object Oriented Programs with multi-threading and generic programming approach using Java programming. |
CO 5: Design GUI application with AWT and Swing using Java programming |
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Course Outcome
- Construct Flowchart and Write algorithms for solving basic problems.
- Write ‘C’ programs that incorporate use of variables, operators and expressions along with data types.
- Write simple programs using the basic elements like control statements, functions, arrays and strings.
- Write advanced programs using the concepts of pointers, structures, unions and enumerated data types.
- Apply pre-processor directives and basic file handling and graphics operations in advanced programming.
- Construct Flowchart and Write algorithms for solving basic problems.
- Write ‘C’ programs that incorporate use of variables, operators and expressions along with data types.
- Write simple programs using the basic elements like control statements, functions, arrays and strings.
- Write advanced programs using the concepts of pointers, structures, unions and enumerated data types.
- Apply pre-processor directives and basic file handling and graphics operations in advanced programming.
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Course Outcomes
1. To understand internet and web designing concepts.
2. To create web pages using HTML, CSS and by using various designing frameworks and libraries.
3. To build dynamic web pages using client side scripting language JavaScript and to write XML document.
4. To build interactive web application using PHP.
5. To construct and manipulate database of web application using PHP and MySQL.
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Fundamentals of Computers & Emerging Technologies
- Teacher: Ms. Shweta Singh [MCA]
Category: Ms. Shweta Singh
1. Understand the importance of the use of OR application in decision Making environment
2. To formulate LPP and Obtain Graphical Solutions & Acquire General idea of the Simplex method.
3. To understand and solve transportation & assignment models.
4. To know optimal sequence model and understand concepts of queuing theory.
5. To identify right time for replacement of equipment and understand project management
Category: Mani Tyagi
- Teacher: Kuldeep Kumar Atariya [CS]
- Teacher: Vandana [CS]
Category: Prof. Amit Sanger
- Teacher: Komal Salgotra [MCA]
Category: Mr. Ankit Verma
Course Outcome:
1. To learn and understand basic OOP concepts and fundamental of Java Programming
2. To learn implementation of OOP concepts using Java
3. To learn exception handling and file handling in Java
4. To learn multithreading and generic programming in Java
5. To learn GUI application development using AWT and Swing in Java.
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
2023-24 Even Sem Rural Development: Administration and Planning KHU801
- Teacher: Vinay Singh [CS]
Category: Mr. Vinay Pratap Singh
Course Outcome
- Construct Flowchart and Write algorithms for solving basic problems.
- Write ‘C’ programs that incorporate use of variables, operators and expressions along with data types.
- Write simple programs using the basic elements like control statements, functions, arrays and strings.
- Write advanced programs using the concepts of pointers, structures, unions and enumerated data types.
- Apply pre-processor directives and basic file handling and graphics operations in advanced programming.
- Construct Flowchart and Write algorithms for solving basic problems.
- Write ‘C’ programs that incorporate use of variables, operators and expressions along with data types.
- Write simple programs using the basic elements like control statements, functions, arrays and strings.
- Write advanced programs using the concepts of pointers, structures, unions and enumerated data types.
- Apply pre-processor directives and basic file handling and graphics operations in advanced programming.
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
HTML-Introduction, HTML Tags, HTML-Grouping Using Div & Span
HTML-Images, HTML-Lists, HTMLHyperlink, HTML-Table, HTML-Iframe, HTML-Form,
Introduction and Web Development Strategies, History of Web and Internet, Protocols Governing Web,
Introduction of CSS, CSS Syntax, External Style Sheet using < link >
REVISON & Doubt clearing
Introduction to JavaScript, Creating Variables in JavaScript
Creating Functions in JavaScript, Event Handling, Returing Data from Functions
"Working with
Conditions, looping in JavaScript"
Block Scope Variables, Working with Objects
Creating Object using Object Literals
"Manipulating DOM Elements with
REVISON & Doubt clearing
"Servlet Overview and
Architecture, Interface Servlet and the Servlet Life Cycle"
Handling HTTP get Requests, Handling HTTP post Requests
Redirecting Requests to Other Resources, Session Tracking, Cookies,
Session Tracking with Http Session. Java Server Pages (JSP)
A First Java Server Page Example,
Implicit Objects, Scripting
Standard Actions, Directives
Custom Tag Libraries.
REVISON & Doubt clearing
Spring Core Basics-Spring Dependency Injection concepts
Introduction to Design patterns
factory Design Pattern
Strategy Design pattern
Spring Inversion of Control, AOP
Bean Scopes- Singleton, Prototype
Request, Session, Application
WebSocket, Auto wiring
Annotations, Life Cycle Call backs
Bean Configuration styles
Spring Boot- Spring Boot Configuration
Spring Boot Annotations, Spring Boot Actuator
Spring Boot Build Systems, Spring Boot Code Structure
Spring Boot Runners, Logger
Rest Controller, Request Mapping, Request Body, Path Variable
Request Parameter, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE APIs, Build Web Applications

Category: Mr. Ankit Verma
Cyber security focuses on protecting computer systems from unauthorized access or being otherwise damaged or made inaccessible. Information security is a broader category that protects all information assets, whether in hard copy or digital form.
In this course you'll study network security and vulnerability assessment, information security policy and governance, digital forensics, and ethical hacking.
Also, you will learn how to administer networks, troubleshoot hardware/software problems, and determine the best ways to protect customers and clients from vulnerabilities within the network.
Category: Shish Pal Jatav
- Teacher: Harsh Vardhan
CO1 | Acquire knowledge of the operating system and its functionalities, components, and terminologies used in the subject. |
CO2 | Analyze the role of process synchronization and the concept of concurrent processes in the operating system |
CO3 | Evaluate the process scheduling scenarios based on the existing methods and techniques used in the operating system. |
CO4 | Analyze the memory management mechanism used in the operating system and how the operating system optimizes memory usage. |
CO5 | Analyze the working of input and output management; and how the operating system performs the disk management. |
- Teacher: Dr. Shelly Gupta Gupta
Category: Dr. Shelly Gupta
An operating system is software that manages the computer hardware, as well
as providing an environment for application programs to run. Perhaps the most visible aspect of an operating system is the interface to the computer
system it provides to the human user.
To best utilize the CPU, modern operating systems employ multiprogramming, which allows several jobs to be in memory at the same time, thus ensuring
that the CPU always has a job to execute. Time-sharing systems are an extension of multiprogramming wherein CPU scheduling algorithms rapidly switch
between jobs, thus providing the illusion that each job is running concurrently.
The operating system must ensure correct operation of the computer
system. To prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of
the system, the hardware has two modes: user mode and kernel mode.
Operating systems must also be concerned with protecting and securing
the operating system and users.
Category: Shish Pal Jatav
This course includes an overview of the various tools available for writing and running Python and gets students coding quickly. After completing this course what you will learn: -
Identify core aspects of programming and features of the Python language.
Use different tools for writing and running Python code.
Understand and apply core programming concepts like data structures, conditionals, loops, variables, and functions.
Design and write fully-functional Python programs using commonly used data structures, custom functions, and reading and writing to files.
- Teacher: MS. SHIVANI [CO]
- Teacher: Akansha Moral [CS]
- Teacher: Bhagvan Gupta [CS]
- Teacher: MS. ARUSHI GUPTA [CS]
- Teacher: Umnah [CS]
- Teacher: Vishakha Chauhan [CS]
Category: Mr. Rahul Kumar
In this course, students will learn to develop the ability to design and build
interactive, responsive web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
and React, meeting industry standards for modern web development.
- Teacher: Chanchal Maurya _
- Teacher: MS. Veena Parihar (CSAI)
Category: Gagan Kumar Singh
In this course, students will learn to develop the ability to design and build
interactive, responsive web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
and React, meeting industry standards for modern web development.
- Teacher: Chanchal Maurya _
- Teacher: Gagan Kumar Singh CSE(AI)
Category: Gagan Kumar Singh
- Teacher: Bhagvan Gupta [CS]
- Teacher: Umnah [CS]
Category: Mr. Bhagwan Gupta
UNIT-I: (8) Introduction: Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Components, Software Characteristics, Software Crisis, Software Engineering Processes, Similarity and Differences from Conventional Engineering Processes, Software Quality Attributes. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models: Water Fall Model, Prototype Model, Spiral Model, Evolutionary Development Models, Iterative Enhancement Models.
UNIT-II: (8) Software Requirement Specifications (SRS): Requirement Engineering Process: Elicitation, Analysis, Documentation, Review and Management of User Needs, Feasibility Study, Information Modeling, Data Flow Diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams, Decision Tables, SRS Document, IEEE Standards for SRS. Software Quality Assurance :(SQA): Verification and Validation, SQA Plans, Software Quality Frameworks, ISO 9000 Models, SEI-CMM Model.
UNIT-III: (8) Software Design: Basic Concept of Software Design, Architectural Design, Low Level Design: Modularization, Design Structure Charts, Pseudo Codes, Flow Charts, Coupling and Cohesion Measures, Design Strategies: Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design. Software Measurement and Metrics: Various Size Oriented Measures: HalesteSoftware Science, Function Point (FP) Based Measures, Cyclomatic Complexity Measures: Control Flow Graphs
UNIT-IV: (8) Software Testing: Testing Objectives, UNIT Testing, Integration Testing, 8 Acceptance Testing, Regression Testing,Testing for functionality and Testing for Performance, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Testing Strategies: Test Drivers and Test Stubs, Structural Testing (White Box Testing), Functional Testing (Black Box Testing), Test Data Suit Preparation, Alpha and Beta Testing of Products. Static Testing Strategies: Formal Technical Reviews (Peer Reviews), Walk Through, Code Inspection, Compliance with Design and Coding Standards.
UNIT-V: (8)
Software Maintenance and Software Project Management: Software as an Evolutionary Entity, Need for maintenance, Categories of Maintenance: Preventive, Corrective and Perfective Maintenance, Cost of Maintenance, Software Re-Engineering, Reverse Engineering. Software Configuration Management Activities, Change Control Process, Software Version Control, An Overview of CASE Tools. Estimation of Various Parameters such as Cost, Efforts, Schedule/Duration, Constructive Cost Models (COCOMO), Resource allocation Models, Software Risk Analysis and Management.
Category: Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta
Before learning about Artificial Intelligence, you must have the fundamental knowledge of following so that you can understand the concepts easily:
- Any computer language such as C, C++, Java, Python, Prolog etc.
- Knowledge of essential Mathematics such as derivatives, probability theory, etc.
Category: Ms. Garima Singh
To realize the significance of constitution of India to students from all walks of life and help them to understand the basic concepts of Indian constitution.
To identify the importance of fundamental rights as well as fundamental duties.
To understand the functioning of Union, State and Local Governments in Indian federal system.
To learn procedure and effects of emergency, composition and activities of election
commission and amendment procedure

Category: Mr. Mukesh Lomror
Category: Dr. Piyush Pant
Category: Dr. Shivani Yadav(2024-25)
- Teacher: Akansha Moral [CS]
- Teacher: Umnah [CS]
Category: Ms Akansha Moral
- Teacher: Akansha Moral [CS]
- Teacher: MS. ARUSHI GUPTA [CS]
- Teacher: Umnah [CS]
Category: Ms. Umnah
An open elective
- Teacher: Ashima Arya [CSIT]
- Teacher: Latika Sharma [CSIT]
Category: Dr. Parul Chaudhary
Attempt your C program here with output.
Category: Dr. Ankur Garg- Additional HoD
- Teacher: Satyam S Sunderam [CSIT]
Category: Ms. Arti Pandey
Operating Systems BCS401

- Teacher: Prince Gupta [CSIT]
Category: Dr. Ankur Garg- Additional HoD
Additive Manufacturing
Category: Dr. Piyush Pant
Skill development is the foundation of nation building and KIET Group of Institutions is committed to this for the last two decades. To fulfill its commitment KIET Group of Institutions has taken up many steps for the skill development of youth. The recent skill development initiative is the joint venture of KIET GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS and BIESSE MANUFACTURING COMPANY PVT. LTD. in the
form of “Centre of Advanced Woodworking (CAW)”. The prime objective of the CAW is to impart training to young professionals and to develop new entrepreneurs in the highly disorganized woodworking industry with the concept of smart factory. To achieve the objective of CAW, the centre is having highly automated woodworking machinery and software to mitigate the requirement of the industry in terms of technology and trained manpower
Category: Dr. Anurag Gupta
Analog electronics lab
A compliance audit is a comprehensive review of an organization's adherence to regulatory guidelines. Audit reports evaluate the strength and thoroughness of compliance preparations, security policies, user access controls and risk management procedures over the course of a compliance audit.

Data Structure is a core subject of Computer Science. The study of data structure allows us to understand the organization of data and the management of the data flow in order to increase the efficiency of any process or program. Data Structure is a particular way of storing and organizing data in the memory of the computer so that these data can easily be retrieved and efficiently utilized in the future when required.
- Teacher: SAURABH [IT]
Category: Mr. Shashank Yadav
Data Structure is a core subject of Computer Science. The study of data structure allows us to understand the organization of data and the management of the data flow in order to increase the efficiency of any process or program. Data Structure is a particular way of storing and organizing data in the memory of the computer so that these data can easily be retrieved and efficiently utilized in the future when required.
Category: Mr. Shashank Yadav
BCS603: Computer Networks
4 credits

- Teacher: Dr. HARSH KHATTER [CO]
- Teacher: Chandan Kumar [CSIT]
- Teacher: Himika Verma [CSIT]
Category: Prof. Harsh Khatter
The widespread popularity of digital cryptocurrencies has led to the foundation of Blockchain, which is fundamentally a public digital ledger to share information in a trustworthy and secure way. The concept and applications of Blockchain have now spread from cryptocurrencies to various other domains, including business process management, smart contracts, IoT, and so on.
At the end of the course, students will be able to "Comprehend the structure of Blockchain networks", "Evaluate security issues relating to Blockchain and cryptocurrency" Design and analyze the applications based on Blockchain technology".

Category: Ms. Garima Singh
1. To understand business communication strategies and principles for effective communication in domestic and international business situations.
2. To understand and appropriately apply modes of expression, i.e., descriptive, expositive, narrative, scientific, and self-expressive, in written, visual, and oral communication.
3. To develop the ability to research and write a documented paper and/or to give an oral presentation.
4. To develop the ability to communicate via electronic mail, Internet, and other technologies for presenting business messages.
5. To understand and apply basic principles of critical thinking, problem solving, and technical
proficiency in the development of exposition and argument.
Category: Dr. Babita Tyagi
Communication Engineering Lab
Category: Dr. Himanshu Sharma
This course will prepare the young pharmacy student to interact effectively with doctors, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists and other health workers. At the end of this course the student will get the soft skills set to work cohesively with the team as a team player and will add value to the pharmaceutical business.
Objectives: Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to
1. Understand the behavioral needs for a Pharmacist to function effectively in the areas of pharmaceutical operation
2. Communicate effectively (Verbal and Non Verbal)
3. Effectivelymanage the team as a team player
4. Develop interview skills
5. Develop Leadership qualities and essentials Course contentCategory: Dr. Soniya Verma

- Teacher: Dr. HARSH KHATTER [CO]
- Teacher: MS NEHA SHUKLA [CO]
- Teacher: Rahul Kumar [CS]
- Teacher: Rohan Rathore [CS]
- Teacher: Mr. Dharmendra Kumar [CSE]
- Teacher: MS ANJALI JAIN [IT]
- Teacher: Harsh Vardhan
Category: Prof. Harsh Khatter
Course Objectives
1. To understand consumer behavior and explain the consumer decision making process
2. To define external and internal influences on buying behavior
3. To provide an understanding of integrated marketing communications (IMC) and its influences on other marketing functions and other promotional activities.
4. Help to understand what advertising is and its role in advertising and brand promotion.
5. Understand the importance of message design and the creativity involved in message designing.

- Teacher: Mr. Anjan Kumar [MBA]
Category: Anjan Kumar
The specific objective of the Master's degree course in Marketing, Consumer Behaviour and Communication is the training of graduates with a specialized knowledge in the management of marketing and communication tools related to the branding and marketing of goods and services in the current social, cultural and economic context, with particular attention to the digital world and new media.
The training course focuses on the tools and methods of analysis that allow industrial, distribution and service companies to optimize their marketing and communication levers and the positioning of their products in the market, at the point of sale and on the web. Such knowledge, deepened with reference to the national and international dynamics related to trade and communication, together with the pertinent legal apparatus, will allow to acquire specific tools for a highly professional management of marketing and communication in three strategic areas, that of brand creation and management, that of its positioning in sales networks, whether owned and third parties, and in the web and digital media.
Category: Anjan Kumar
1. Apply
knowledge of basic components of control system to the analysis and design of
physical systems such as electrical networks, sensors, mechanical systems, etc.
2. Identify state variables and analyze the response of various control systems in time domain to obtain their steady-state error.
3. Improved transient response of the system in terms of overshoots, settling time and rise time.
4. Use routh-hurwitz criterion to determine the stability of linear control system to design practical stable physical systems necessary for engineering practice.
5. To design a practical control system in frequency domain with the help of Nyquist stability criterion, relative stability, bode plot etc., to meet desired requirements in realistic environment.
2. Identify state variables and analyze the response of various control systems in time domain to obtain their steady-state error.
3. Improved transient response of the system in terms of overshoots, settling time and rise time.
4. Use routh-hurwitz criterion to determine the stability of linear control system to design practical stable physical systems necessary for engineering practice.
5. To design a practical control system in frequency domain with the help of Nyquist stability criterion, relative stability, bode plot etc., to meet desired requirements in realistic environment.
Category: Mr. Mohit Tyagi
Category: Menali Bajaj
In today's world, good decision-making relies on data and data analysis. This course helps students develop the understanding that they will need to make informed decisions using data and to communicate the results effectively. This course will enable
the student to examine the role data analytics plays in helping to make better
decisions based on data. The student will explore various models that can be
utilized to help summarize, visualize, and interpret data in a variety of

Category: Ms. Garima Singh
Data Structure Lab

- Teacher: Dr. HARSH KHATTER [CO]
- Teacher: MS ARTI SHARMA [CO]
- Teacher: MS. SHIVANI [CO]
Category: Prof. Harsh Khatter

- Teacher: Dr. HARSH KHATTER [CO]
- Teacher: Mr. Pardeep Tyagi [CO]
- Teacher: MS ARTI SHARMA [CO]
- Teacher: MS NEHA SHUKLA [CO]
- Teacher: Mr. Prince Kumar [CSIT]
Category: Prof. Harsh Khatter
A data structure is a storage that is used to store and organize data. It is a way of arranging data on a computer so that it can be accessed and updated efficiently.
It comprises of 5 units.
On moodle, you will get Notes, PPT, Assignments, Video links, Quizzes, previous papers, and other related material.

- Teacher: Dr. HARSH KHATTER [CO]
- Teacher: MR. SREESH GAUR [CS]
- Teacher: Dr. Rishabh Jain
Category: Prof. Harsh Khatter

- Teacher: Dr. HARSH KHATTER [CO]
- Teacher: MR. SREESH GAUR [CS]
- Teacher: Puneet Kumar Goyal [CS]
- Teacher: Rohan Rathore [CS]
- Teacher: Vandana [CS]
- Teacher: Dr. Rishabh Jain
Category: Prof. Harsh Khatter
Design Thinking is a user-centric approach to innovation that aims to solve complex problems creatively. It involves five stages: Empathize, where you deeply understand users' needs; Define, where you frame the core problem; Ideate, where you generate a wide range of ideas; Prototype, where you create simplified models or solutions; and Test, where you experiment with these prototypes and gather feedback. This iterative process encourages continuous improvement, collaboration, and out-of-the-box thinking, ensuring that solutions are practical, innovative, and aligned with users’ real needs. It’s widely applied across industries for product development, services, and business strategies.
- Teacher: DR (COL) AMIK GARG [Director]
- Teacher: DR MANOJ GOEL [Joint Director]
Category: Mr Harsh Modi
This file Contains all the details
Category: Mr. Shubham Shukla
Course Objectives
1. To help Student understand the concept of Digital Marketing & E-commerce in today’s scenario
2. To enable student in creating and maintaining a good website and blog posts.
3. To make student understand the importance of SEO and Email Marketing in today’s modern world
4. To understand the functioning and importance of Social Media Marketing via various platforms
5. To understand various Analytics tools of online marketing

Category: Anjan Kumar
Pre-requisite: |
Course Objectives: |
Course Outcome: |
Category: Dr. Richa Agarwal
Distributed systems is the study of how to build a computer system where the state of the program is divided over more than one machine (or "node"). This course is in active development.

Category: Ms. Garima Singh
Drug Delivery System course is designed to impart knowledge on the area of advances in novel drug delivery systems. Upon completion of the Drug Delivery System course, student shall be able to understand
§ The various approaches for development of Novel Drug Delivery Systems.
§ The criteria for selection of drugs and polymers for the development of delivering system.
§ The formulation and evaluation of Novel Drug Delivery Systems.

Category: Dr. N.G. Raghavendra Rao
Data Structure Lab
Section A2

- Teacher: Dr. HARSH KHATTER [CO]
- Teacher: Mr. Pardeep Tyagi [CO]
- Teacher: MR. SREESH GAUR [CS]
Category: Prof. Harsh Khatter
Please find the attached Google Drive Link of B.Tech. 1st Semester e- Book Bank for uploading on Moodle.
Category: E- Library
1. Describe the fundamentals of circuit switching and distinguish complex telephone systems.
2. Differentiate the fundamentals of Space division switching and time division switching.
3. Design, develop and evaluate the telecom traffic to meet defined specifications and needs.
4. Identify the control of switching networks and signalling concepts.
5. Classify the engineering concepts of packet switching and routing which will help to design various switch architectures for future research work.
Category: Ms. Ragini Sharma
An embedded system is a microprocessor-based computer hardware system with software that is designed to perform a dedicated function, either as an independent system or as a part of a large system. At the core is an integrated circuit designed to carry out computation for real-time operations.
Complexities range from a single microcontroller to a suite of processors with connected peripherals and networks; from no user interface to complex graphical user interfaces. The complexity of an embedded system varies significantly depending on the task for which it is designed.
Embedded system applications range from digital watches and microwaves to hybrid vehicles and avionics. As much as 98 percent of all microprocessors manufactured are used in embedded systems.

Category: Mr. Shubham Shukla
This course is specially designed for the first year Engineering students. It comprises of basic understanding of Electronics Engineering and their application in modern day technology.
Category: Dr. Dharmendra Kumar
1.Understand the concept of PN Junction and devices.
2. Understand the concept of BJT, FET and MOFET.
3. Understand the concept of Operational amplifier
4. Understand the concept of measurement instrument.
5. Understand the working principle of different type of sensor and their uses.
6. Understand the concept of IoT system & Understand the component of IoT system
- Teacher: Dr. Narendra Kumar [ECE]
- Teacher: Mr. SATYAM MISHRA [ECE]
Category: Dr Shivani
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts of IoT, followed by major components, its layer architecture and how IoT is impacting the industry in the various forms along with major applications.
2. To make students aware about basic concepts of cloud computing, its benefits and different applications along with insights of major service providers.
3. To understand the basic concepts of Blockchain and its underlying technologies with its implementation as cryptocurrencies.
4. To understand the concept of Additive Manufacturing, its applications in various fields and the basic concepts of drones, their assembly and government regulations involved.
5. To introduce students to the upcoming technology and to develop the required skills for practical applications.
Category: Prof. Amit Kumar
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts of IoT, followed by major components, its layer
architecture and how IoT is impacting the Industry in the various forms along with major
2. To make students aware about basic concepts of cloud computing, its benefits and different
applications along with insights of major service providers.
3. To understand the basic concepts of Blockchain and its underlying technologies with its
implementation as cryptocurrencies.
4. To understand the concept of Additive Manufacturing, its applications in various fields and
the basic concepts of drones, their assembly and government regulations involved.
5. To introduce students to the upcoming technology and to develop the required skills for
practical applications.
- Teacher: shruti.pandey
- Teacher: Dr. Narendra Kumar [ECE]
- Teacher: MR AMIT KUMAR [ECE]
Category: Dr Shivani
UNIT-1: Energy Scenario: Classification of Energy, Indian energy scenario, Sectorial energy
consumption (domestic, industrial and other sectors), energy needs of growing economy, energy
intensity, long term energy scenario, energy pricing, energy security, energy conservation and its
importance, energy strategy for the future.
Energy Conservation Act 2001 and related policies: Energy conservation Act 2001 and its
features, notifications under the Act, Schemes of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) including
Designated consumers, State Designated Agencies, Electricity Act 2003, Integrated energy policy,
National action plan on climate change, ECBC code for Building Construction.
UNIT-2: Demand Side Management (DSM): Concept and Scope of Demand Side Management,
Difference between Energy Efficiency and DSM, Evolution of Demand Side Management, DSM
Strategy, Planning, Implementation and its application, Customer Acceptance & its implementation
issues, National and International Experiences with DSM, UDAY scheme and other government
initiatives for DISCOMs.
Energy Monitoring and Targeting: Defining monitoring & targeting, elements of monitoring &
targeting, data and information-analysis, techniques –energy consumption, production, cumulative
sum of differences (CUSUM). Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS)
UNIT-3: Energy Audit: Aim of energy Audit, Strategies of Energy Audit, Energy management
Team Consideration in implementing energy conservation Programme, Process flow diagram, Energy
Audit report format, Benchmarking and Energy Performance, Instruments for energy audit, Economic
UNIT-4: System Audit of Mechanical Utilities: Pumps, types and application, unit’s assessment,
improvement option, parallel and series operating pump performance. Energy Saving in Pumps &
Pumping Systems. Bloomers (Blowers) types & application, its performance assessment, series &
parallel operation applications & advantages. Energy Saving in Blowers Compressors, types &
applications, specific power consumption, compressed air system & economic of system changes.
Energy Saving in Compressors & Compressed Air Systems Cooling towers, its types and
performance assessment & limitations, water loss in cooling tower. Case studies related to Energy
Audit & Management in Industries
UNIT-5: Energy Efficient Technology: Need for Energy Efficient Devices, Life Cycle Assessment,
Comparison between simple pay-back and life cycle cost assessment, Energy Efficient Motors-motor
losses and loss reduction techniques, determining and comparing motor efficiencies, motor efficiency
testing standards, BIS specification for Energy Efficient Motors, efficiency as a function of load,
Energy Efficient Lighting Sources-compact fluorescent lamp, light emitting diode, LED lamp, role of
voltage on the efficiency of lighting system, Importance of Automatic power factor controllers,
Variable Frequency Drives.
Course Objectives:
1. To facilitate software based learning to provide the required English Language proficiency to students.
2. To acquaint students with specific dimensions of communication skills i.e. Reading, Writing, Listening, Thinking and Speaking.
3. To train students to use the correct and error-free writing by being well versed in rules of English grammar.
4. To cultivate relevant technical style of communication and presentation at their work place and also for academic uses.
5. To enable students to apply it for practical and oral presentation purposes by being honed up
in presentation skills and voice-dynamics.
Category: Dr. Babita Tyagi
Course Objectives:
1. To facilitate software based learning to provide the required English Language proficiency to students.
2. To acquaint students with specific dimensions of communication skills i.e. Reading, Writing, Listening, Thinking and Speaking.
3. To train students to use the correct and error-free writing by being well versed in rules of English grammar.
4. To cultivate relevant technical style of communication and presentation at their work place and also for academic uses.
5. To enable students to apply it for practical and oral presentation purposes by being honed up
in presentation skills and voice-dynamics.
Category: English and Communication
Course Objectives:
1. The purpose of this course is to expose the student to the basic concepts of entrepreneurship and Common myths to becoming an entrepreneur. Students will be exposed to the functions of entrepreneurs, and problems faced by them in the real world.
2. To impart an understanding of Entrepreneurial Finance, Assistance, and the role of Entrepreneurial Development Agencies
3. To provide insights to students in converting an Idea to an opportunity and develop understanding of various funding sources for a startup.
4. Familiarizing the students on Developing a Business Plan.
5. To provide a basic understanding of Launching a New Venture
Category: Nitin Girdharwal
open elective for VI semester
- Teacher: Mr. Vipin Deval [CSE]
- Teacher: Ms. Shivangi Tyagi [CSIT]
The course provides information various export import policies; rules and regulations; essential documentation; strategies for improving the efficiency of the work force, market presence and enhance product marketing and sale. Who Should Attend:- ❖ Candidates who start a new business in the field of import export.

Category: Anjan Kumar
Demonstrate the knowledge of the basic structure, components, features and
generations of computers. Describe the concept of computer languages, language translators and construct
algorithms to solve problems using programming concepts. Compare and contrast features, functioning & types of operating system and
computer networks. Demonstrate architecture, functioning & services of the Internet and basics of
multimedia. Illustrate the emerging trends and technologies in the field of Information
Category: Ms. Annu Yadav
Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering & Mechatronics
B. Tech. 1ST Year
Category: Ms. Deepti Singh
Fundamentals of Electronics Engineering
Category: Dr Abhas Kanoongo
Category: E- Library
Herbal preparations (essential oil, fatty oil, tinctures, and other extracts) are products obtained from plant raw materials by specific technological processes, such as distillation, pressing, extraction, and others.

Category: Mr. Harsh Rastogi
Even in the light of increased sophistication of modern healthcare as enriched by science and technology, the use of herbal medicine will continue to thrive in both poor and rich societies for many and probably different reasons. It is important for stakeholders: governments, farmers, scientists, healthcare providers (physicians, pharmacists and nurses) and biotechnical engineers to give enough attention to herbal medicines and its challenges in a deliberate effort to create for it appropriate niche that will ensure that it develops alongside with conventional medicine. The application of science and technology especially in area of information resources, conservation and cultivation, production, analytical techniques and quality control, clinical trials and regulation should be promoted. These efforts will boost benefits, confidence and safety in the use of HMs and its possible induction into the mainstream healthcare. Though, there are several literatures on HM, it nevertheless has stooped to collate in a simple, unambiguous and readable manner a wide and indebt information that will be useful to all who have a stake in HM: scientist, healthcare professionals, engineers and the general public.

Category: Mr. Harsh Rastogi
Category: Mr. Himanshu Choudhary
Category: THIRD YEAR
- Teacher: Prof. Amit Sanger [CS]
Category: Ms. Punjika Rathi
- Teacher: Mr. Anjan Kumar [MBA]
Category: Third Year courses
- Teacher: Abhishek Tyagi [CSIT]
- Teacher: Arti Pandey [CSIT]
Category: Ms. Ashima Arya
to identify the roots and details of some of the contemporary issues faced by our nation
and try to locate possible solutions to these challenges by digging deep into our past.
• To enable the students to understand the importance of our surroundings and encouragethe students to contribute towards sustainable development.
• To sensitize students towards issues related to ‘Indian’ culture, tradition and its
composite character.
To make students aware of holistic life styles of Yogic-science and wisdom capsules in
Sanskrit literature that are important in modern society with rapid technological
advancements and societal disruptions.
• To acquaint students with Indian Knowledge System, Indian perspective of modern
scientific world-view and basic principles of Yoga and holistic health care system.

Category: Shivani Agarwal
- Teacher: Manish Kumar Maurya [CSE]
- Teacher: Mr. Anshuman Kalia [CSE]
- The course aims at imparting basic principles of thought process, reasoning and inference, to identify the roots and details of some of the contemporary issues faced by our nation and try to locate possible solutions to these challenges by digging deep into our past, to understand the importance of our surroundings and encourage the students to contribute towards sustainable development.
- To make students aware of holistic life styles of Yogic-science and wisdom capsules in Sanskrit literature that are important in modern society with rapid technological advancements and societal disruptions.
- To acquaint students with Indian Knowledge System, Indian perspective of modern scientific world-view and basic principles of Yoga and holistic health care system.
- To sensitize students towards issues related to ‘Indian’ culture, tradition and its composite character.

Category: Mr. Anjan Kumar
Industrial Pharmacy laboratory deals with the formulation, development and evaluation of different dosage forms.
Category: Mr. Harsh Rastogi
Category: Dr. Prateek Gupta
Data Analytics Lab Using R

- Teacher: Latika Sharma [CSIT]
- Teacher: Mr. Deep Kumar [CSIT]
Category: Ms. Garima Singh
Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithms use historical data as input to predict new output values.
Recommendation engines are a common use case for machine learning. Other popular uses include fraud detection, spam filtering, malware threat detection, business process automation (BPA) and predictive maintenance.
Why is machine learning important?
Machine learning is important because it gives enterprises a view of trends in customer behavior and business operational patterns, as well as supports the development of new products. Many of today's leading companies, such as Facebook, Google and Uber, make machine learning a central part of their operations. Machine learning has become a significant competitive differentiator for many companies.

Category: Mr. Shubham Shukla
- Teacher: Dr. Pratibha Singh [CSE AI&ML]
- Teacher: Dr. Gaurav Srivastav [CSE(AI)]
- Teacher: Dr. Shelly Gupta Gupta
Category: Ms. Richa Singh
Category: THIRD YEAR
- Teacher: Rashika Bangroo [CSIT]
Category: Dr. Rohit Kumar Kaliyar
- Teacher: Sonia Deshmukh [CSIT]
Category: Ms. Rashika Bangroo
- Teacher: Dr. Sudhir Kumar Sharma [CSIT]
Category: Ms. Ashima Arya
- Teacher: Dr. Sudhir Kumar Sharma [CSIT]
Category: Ms. Ashima Arya
- Teacher: Mr Gaurav Parashar [CSE]
- Teacher: Mr. UMANG RASTOGI [CSE]
Category: Prof. Saurav Chandra
- Teacher: Dr. Sushil Kumar [CSE]
- Teacher: Mr. Saurav Chandra [CSE]
Category: Prof. Umang Rastogi
Mechanical Engineering Department
B. Tech, VIth Semester
Make-Up Examination, (2020-21) Even Semester
(NDT) (KME 061)
1. Attempt all the questions
2. The question paper consist of 50 Questions
3. The duration of question paper is 90 minutes
4. The correct question will have a weightage of +2 marks
5. wrong answer has the weightage of 0 mark
6. Unattempted question fetches zero marks
Category: NDT (KME 061)
The objective of this course is to develop the ability to apply the concepts, tools and techniques
of economics in analysing and interpreting business decisions.
Category: Sapna Yadav
- To understand the basic concepts of Marketing Analytics
- To study various tools to have marketing insights in various marketing areas through empirical data
- To interpret the marketing data for effective marketing decision making
- To draw inferences from data in order to answer descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive questions relevant to marketing managers
Category: Mani Tyagi
Course Objectives
1. Assess market opportunities by analyzing customers, competitors, collaborators, context, and the strengths and weaknesses of a company.
2. Understand consumers’ requirements and their behaviors.
3. Develop effective marketing strategies to achieve organizational objectives.
4. Communicate and defend your recommendations and critically examine and build upon the recommendations of your classmates both quantitatively and qualitatively.
5. Develop the understanding the current global and digital aspect of marketing.
Category: Dr. Binkey Srivastava
CO1 Apply and analyze the nature and scope of services marketing
CO2 Critical analysis to perceive service shortcomings in reference to ingredients to create service excellence
CO3 Apply and evaluate critical issues related to service design
CO4 Analyze theoretical and practical basis for evaluating and developing service performance using company examples
CO5 Illustrate and assess characteristics and challenges of managing
service firms in the modern world
Category: Dr. Binkey Srivastava
Category: Dr. Anurag Gupta
3L:1T:0P 4 Credits
COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to familiarize the graduate engineers with techniques in calculus, multivariate analysis, vector calculus and linear algebra. It aims to equip the students with standard concepts and tools from intermediate to advanced level that will enable them to tackle more advanced level of mathematics and applications that they would find useful in their disciplines. The students will learn: To apply the knowledge of differential calculus in the field of engineering. To deal with functions of several variables that is essential in optimizing the results of real life problems. Multiple integral tools to deal with engineering problems involving centre of gravity, volume etc. To deal with vector calculus that is required in different branches of Engineering to graduate engineers. The essential tools of matrices and linear algebra, Eigen values and diagonalization in a Comprehensive manner are required.
Unit I Matrices: Types of Matrices: Symmetric, Skew-symmetric and Orthogonal Matrices; Complex Matrices, Inverse and Rank of matrix using elementary transformations, Rank-Nullity theorem; System of linear equations, Characteristic equation, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem and its application, Eigen values and eigenvectors; Diagonalisation of a Matrix 8
Unit II Differential Calculus- I: Introduction to limits, continuity and differentiability, Rolle’s Theorem, Lagrange’s Mean value theorem and Cauchy mean value theorem, Successive Differentiation (nth order derivatives), Leibnitz theorem and its application, Envelope of family of one and two parameter, Curve tracing: Cartesian and Polar co-ordinates
Unit III Differential Calculus-II: Partial derivatives, Total derivative, Euler’s Theorem for homogeneous functions, Taylor and Maclaurin’s theorems for a function of two variables, Maxima and Minima of functions of several variables, Lagrange Method of Multipliers, Jacobians, Approximation of errors
Unit IV Multivariable Calculus-I: Multiple integration: Double integral, Triple integral, Change of order of integration, Change of variables, Application: Areas and volumes, Center of mass and center of gravity (Constant and variable densities)
Unit V Vector Calculus: Vector identities (without proof), Vector differentiation:
Gradient, Curl and Divergence and their Physical interpretation, Directional
Vector Integration: Line integral, Surface integral, Volume integral, Gauss’s
Divergence theorem, Green’s theorem and Stoke’s theorem (without proof)
and their applications
Category: Dr Richa Agarwal
Category: Dr Kuldeep Sharma
Medicinal Chemistry II includes study of the development of various classes of drugs, classification, mechanism of action, uses of drugs mentioned in the course, Structure activity relationship of selective class of drugs as specified in the course and synthesis of drugs superscripted (*) in the syllabus.
A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific operation in an embedded system. A typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory and input/output (I/O) peripherals on a single chip.
A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific operation in an embedded system. A typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory and input/output (I/O) peripherals on a single chip.

Category: Mr. Shubham Shukla
The microcontroller is designed for a specific task or to perform the assigned task repeatedly. Once the program is embedded on a microcontroller chip, it can’t be altered easily and you may need some special tools to reburn it. As per application, the process is fixed in microcontroller. Hence, the output depends on the input given by the user or sensors or predefined inputs.
The microprocessor is useful in very intensive processes. It only contains a CPU (central processing unit) but there are many other parts needed to work with the CPU to complete a process. These all other parts are connected externally.

Category: Mr. Shubham Shukla
The Mini Project is an integral part of the curriculum designed to provide students with hands-on experience in applying theoretical knowledge to practical problems. It bridges the gap between classroom learning and real-world applications, encouraging creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.
- Teacher: Mr. Harsh Modi [CSE]
Category: Mr Harsh Modi
Course Objectives: |
· Understand object-oriented programming concept using Java. · Understand role of data structure algorithm using Java collection. · Understand Backend application development using Spring Boot. |
- Teacher: MR. ARPIT DOGRA [MCA]
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Course Objectives: |
· Understand object-oriented programming concept using Java. · Understand role of data structure algorithm using Java collection. · Understand Backend application development using Spring Boot. |
- Teacher: NAMRTA SINGH _
- Teacher: NANCY GUPTA _
- Teacher: NIKHIL _
- Teacher: NITIN GANGWAR _
- Teacher: NITIN NEGI _
- Teacher: PALAK GOYAL _
- Teacher: PIYUSH JAIN _
- Teacher: POORNIMA _
- Teacher: PRAGYA TIWARI _
- Teacher: PRAVEEN KUMAR _
- Teacher: PREET KUMAR _
- Teacher: PRINCE KUMAR _
- Teacher: PRINCE YADAV _
- Teacher: PRIYAM SHARMA _
- Teacher: PRIYANSHI _
- Teacher: RABITA YADAV _
- Teacher: RAHUL _
- Teacher: RAHUL RAWAT _
- Teacher: RAM DUBEY _
- Teacher: RAMAN VERMA _
- Teacher: RANI KUMARI _
- Teacher: RIDHI RAJPUT _
- Teacher: RISHI NEHRA _
- Teacher: RISHU AGARWAL _
- Teacher: RITIK _
- Teacher: RIYA _
- Teacher: RIYA GAUR _
- Teacher: ROHIT KUMAR _
- Teacher: SAGAR GUPTA _
- Teacher: SAMAY VERMA _
- Teacher: SANDEEP KUMAR _
- Teacher: SANGAM KUMAR _
- Teacher: SANIDHYA GARG _
- Teacher: SANYA DWIVEDI _
- Teacher: SAQIB MEHDI _
- Teacher: SATYAM GUPTA _
- Teacher: SAURABH KUMAR _
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar
Submit your Internship/Seminar Report
In your Report, you have to mention your Coursera Certificates in the end .
If you belong to CPI-D category, then mention your mentor name in your Report.
Submit your Report (not ppt) named as your University Roll. no. (Ex. 1802940185)nothing else.
Category: Mr. Abhishek Yadav
- Teacher: Dr. Sushil Kumar [CSE]
Category: Dr. Sushil Kumar
- Teacher: Dr. Sushil Kumar [CSE]
Category: Dr. Sushil Kumar
This subject deals with various advanced analytical instrumental techniques for identification,
characterization and quantification of drugs. Instruments dealt are NMR, Mass spectrometer, IR, HPLC,
GC etc.
After completion of course student is able to know about,
• Chemicals and excipients.
• The analysis of various drugs in single and combination dosage forms.
• Theoretical and practical skills of the instruments.
Category: Dr. Smriti Sahu
Category: Mr. Ashish Kumar Singh
1. Lab Manual
2. LAB Lesson Plan
3. Practical List
4. Student Submission
Category: Mrs. Shipra Srivastava
At the end of this course students will
demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand basics of electrical circuits with nodal and
mesh analysis.
2. Appreciate electrical network theorems.
3. Analyse RLC circuits.
4. Determine the stability of an electrical circuit.
5. Design network filters.
Category: Mr. Mohit Tyagi
Non Destructive Subject for ME VI sem students
Category: Dr. Piyush Pant
Non Destructive Subject for ME VIII sem students
Category: Dr. Piyush Pant
- Teacher: Dr. HARSH KHATTER [CO]
- Teacher: PRATYUSH SHARMA 2200290120126
Category: Prof. Harsh Khatter
Category: Prof. Harsh Khatter
- Teacher: Dr. Sudhir Kumar Sharma [CSIT]
Category: Dr. Sudhir Kumar Sharma
Fourth Semester
Operating System
Section A

- Teacher: Dr. HARSH KHATTER [CO]
- Teacher: Mr. Pardeep Tyagi [CO]
- Teacher: MS ARTI SHARMA [CO]
- Teacher: MS NEHA SHUKLA [CO]
- Teacher: Puneet Kumar Goyal [CS]
- Teacher: Dr.Sapna Juneja [CSE- AI]
- Teacher: Mr. Vinay Kumar [CSIT]
- Teacher: MS ANJALI JAIN [IT]
- Teacher: Ms. Bhawna CSE(AI&ML)
Category: Prof. Harsh Khatter
Microbiology lab deals with the experiments include preparation of different culture medias and nutrient broth as well the inoculation of different microbes to determine the growth of mocribes in different type of medias.
Category: Mr. Harsh Rastogi
4 Hrs/week
Course Content:
General methods of preparation and reactions of compounds
This course is designed to impart basic knowledge and skills on the art and
science of formulating and dispensing different pharmaceutical dosage forms.

Category: Mr. Harsh Rastogi
Pharmaceutics Practical I designed to create a basic understanding of the preparation of pharmaceutical formulations.
Pharmaceutics is the discipline of pharmacy that deals with the process of turning a new chemical entity (NCE) or old drugs into a medication to be used safely and effectively by patients. It is also called the science of dosage form design.

Category: Mr. Harsh Rastogi
Scope: The course deals with different basic pharmaceutical formulation aspects.
Objectives: Upon the completion of the course student shall be able to
1. Understand colloids, rheology, micromeritics and drug stability.
2. Know the principles of formulation preparations.
3. Demonstrate the method of preparation and evaluation of dosage forms.

(KEE 653)
B. Tech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Semester: VIth (Even Semester)
Session 2021–2022
Part A
Prepared by
Dr. Brijesh Singh, Associate Professor

B. Tech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Semester: VIth (Even Semester)
Session 2021–2022
Part A
Prepared by
Dr. Brijesh Singh, Associate Professor

M. Tech, 2nd Semester
Category: Mr. AMEER FAISAL
CO 1 Describe primary features, processes and principles of management. K1, K2
CO 2 Explain functions of management in terms of planning, decision making and organizing. K3, K4
CO 3 Illustrate key factors of leadership skill in directing and controlling business resources and processes. K5, K6
CO 4 Exhibit adequate verbal and non-verbal communication skills K1, K3
CO 5 Demonstrate effective discussion, presentation and writing skills. K3, K5
Category: Dr. Babita Tyagi
Project Management
Category: Dr. Prateek Gupta
Aptitude training for an MCA (Master of Computer Applications) course focuses on developing essential skills required for problem-solving, analytical thinking, and technical proficiency. Here’s a summary of the key components:
1. Quantitative Aptitude
Focus Areas:
- Number Systems: Basics of integers, fractions, decimals, and real numbers.
- Algebra: Equations, inequalities, and functions.
- Geometry: Properties of shapes, areas, volumes, and coordinate geometry.
- Arithmetic: Percentages, ratios, proportions, and basic calculations.
- Data Interpretation: Analyzing data from charts, tables, and graphs.
Training Resources:
- Books (e.g., R.S. Agarwal’s “Quantitative Aptitude”).
- Online practice platforms and quizzes.
2. Logical Reasoning
Focus Areas:
- Patterns and Sequences: Identifying and predicting patterns.
- Syllogisms: Logical reasoning and deduction.
- Puzzles and Brain Teasers: Problem-solving through logic.
- Critical Thinking: Evaluating arguments and reasoning.
Training Resources:
- Reasoning books (e.g., R.S. Agarwal’s “Logical Reasoning”).
- Online platforms and apps with practice exercises.
3. Verbal Ability
Focus Areas:
- Grammar: Rules of English grammar and usage.
- Vocabulary: Word meanings, synonyms, and antonyms.
- Comprehension: Reading passages and answering related questions.
- Critical Reasoning: Analyzing and interpreting written information.
Training Resources:
- Grammar and vocabulary books (e.g., “Word Power Made Easy” by Norman Lewis).
- Online grammar exercises and reading comprehension tools.
4. General Strategies
- Regular Practice: Consistent daily practice to improve skills.
- Mock Tests: Simulate exam conditions and assess performance.
- Study Groups: Collaborative learning and problem-solving.
- Time Management: Developing efficient problem-solving strategies.
This comprehensive approach to aptitude training helps MCA students develop a well-rounded skill set crucial for academic success and career opportunities in the tech industry.

Category: Manish Gupta
A quality management system (QMS) is a collection of business processes focused on consistently meeting customer requirements and enhancing their satisfaction. It is expressed as the organizational goals and aspirations, policies, processes, documented information and resources needed to implement and maintain it.

An Aptitude typically provides an overview of an individual's natural talents, skills, and abilities. Here’s a general outline of what aptitude might include:
Overview of Strengths:
- Problem-Solving Skills: Ability to analyze situations, identify issues, and develop effective solutions.
- Analytical Thinking: Capacity for understanding complex systems and concepts, and breaking them down into manageable parts.
- Technical Skills: Proficiency in specific tools, technologies, or methodologies relevant to a particular field.
- Creative Abilities: Talent for thinking outside the box, generating innovative ideas, and applying creative solutions to real life challenges.
Core Competencies:
- Numerical Aptitude: Strength in handling mathematical calculations, data analysis, and quantitative reasoning.
- Verbal Aptitude: Skill in understanding, interpreting, and conveying information through language, both written and spoken.
- Spatial Reasoning: Ability to understand and manipulate shapes, patterns, and spatial relationships.
Interpersonal Skills:
- Communication: Proficiency in articulating ideas clearly and effectively to diverse audiences.
- Teamwork: Ability to collaborate well with others, demonstrating leadership and supportive skills as needed.
- Emotional Intelligence: Capacity for understanding and managing one’s own emotions and those of others, enhancing interactions and decision-making.
Learning and Adaptability:
- Quick Learner: Ability to grasp new concepts and skills rapidly and effectively.
- Flexibility: Capacity to adapt to changing circumstances and work environments with ease.
Career-Related Aptitudes:
- Industry-Specific Skills: Expertise in areas relevant to a particular career or profession, such as software development, marketing strategies, or engineering principles.
Potential Areas for Growth:
- Skill Development: Areas where further training or practice could enhance capabilities.
- Experience Gaps: Aspects of the field where gaining more experience could be beneficial.
Aptitude can help you to guide in career decisions, educational pursuits, and personal development strategies.
Time management is a crucial component of aptitude that involves the ability to plan, prioritize, and execute tasks efficiently within a given timeframe. In the context of aptitude, time management play a very important role.
Effective time management enhances productivity, reduces stress, and improves overall performance by ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and deadlines are met. It’s a vital skill in both personal and professional settings, and honing it can lead to significant improvements in achieving goals and maintaining balance.

Category: Manish Gupta
For campus placement, especially in competitive fields or companies, the aptitude requirements can be quite specific and rigorous. Here’s a breakdown of what you might need to focus on:
1. Technical Skills
- Domain Knowledge: Understanding of the specific field or industry you're applying to, whether it's engineering, finance, IT, etc.
- Coding and Programming: For tech-related roles, proficiency in programming languages and problem-solving skills are essential.
- Software Proficiency: Familiarity with relevant tools and software can be crucial depending on the job.
2. Aptitude Tests
- Quantitative Ability: Strong skills in mathematics, including algebra, calculus, statistics, and data interpretation.
- Logical Reasoning: Ability to solve puzzles, logical problems, and pattern recognition tasks.
- Verbal Ability: Proficiency in reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary.
3. Soft Skills
- Communication Skills: Both verbal and written communication are key, as they reflect your ability to articulate ideas and work effectively in teams.
- Problem-Solving Ability: Demonstrating critical thinking and problem-solving skills through practical examples or case studies.
- Teamwork and Leadership: Experiences and traits that showcase your ability to work well in teams and potentially lead projects or initiatives.
4. General Knowledge and Awareness
- Current Affairs: Awareness of current events, industry trends, and general knowledge that might be relevant to the role or company.
- Company Knowledge: Understanding the company’s history, products, services, and market position.
5. Interview Preparation
- Technical Interviews: Expect to solve problems, answer technical questions, and sometimes complete coding challenges or case studies.
- Behavioral Interviews: Be prepared to discuss past experiences, challenges, and accomplishments, and demonstrate how you fit with the company culture.
6. Additional Skills
- Project Management: Understanding of basic project management principles and tools might be necessary, especially for managerial roles.
- Presentation Skills: Ability to present ideas clearly and effectively, often demonstrated through presentations or group discussions.
Preparation Tips:
- Mock Tests: Take practice tests to get familiar with the types of questions asked and the format of the aptitude tests.
- Study Material: Use books, online courses, and other resources to strengthen your quantitative, logical, and verbal skills.
- Resume Building: Ensure your resume highlights relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the job requirements.

Category: Manish Gupta
- Understand the importance of the use of OR application in decision Making environment
- To formulate LPP and Obtain Graphical Solutions & Acquire General idea of the Simplex method.
- To understand and solve transportation & assignment models.
- To know optimal sequence model and understand concepts of queuing theory.
- To identify right time for replacement of equipment and understand project management techniques
Category: Mani Tyagi
1. Understand the importance of the use of OR application in decision Making environment
2. To formulate LPP and Obtain Graphical Solutions & Acquire General idea of the Simplex method.
3. To understand and solve transportation & assignment models.
4. To know optimal sequence model and understand concepts of queuing theory.
5. To identify right time for replacement of equipment and understand project management
Category: Mani Tyagi
After completion of the course student will be able to:
1. Students can understand the definitions, concepts and components of Rural Development
2. Students will know the importance, structure, significance, resources of Indian rural economy.
3. Students will have a clear idea about the area development programmes and its impact.
4. Students will be able to acquire knowledge about rural entrepreneurship.
5. Students will be able to understand about the using of different methods for human resource planning
Course is regarding development of rural development. Studying various strategies to overcome the challenges present with rural.
Category: Ms. Priya Singh
Upon the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO 1 Apply the use of sensors for measurement of displacement, force and pressure
CO2 Employ commonly used sensors in industry for measurement of temperature, position, accelerometer, vibration sensor, flow and level.
CO3 Demonstrate the use of virtual instrumentation in automation industries.
CO4 Identify and use data acquisition methods.
CO5 Comprehend intelligent instrumentation in industrial automation.
Category: D Blandina Miracle
Upon the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
Apply the use of sensors for measurement of displacement, force and pressure.
Employ commonly used sensors in industry for measurement of temperature, position, accelerometer, vibration sensor, flow and level.
Demonstrate the use of virtual instrumentation in automation industries.
Identify and use data acquisition methods.
Comprehend intelligent instrumentation in industrial automation. K2
Category: D Blandina Miracle
The "Sensor and Instrumentation" course covers the principles, design, and application of various sensors and instrumentation systems. Topics include sensor types, signal conditioning, data acquisition, and integration into measurement systems. Students learn to select appropriate sensors, understand their operating principles, and analyze data for applications in industries such as healthcare, environmental monitoring, and automation. Practical labs and projects provide hands-on experience in building and troubleshooting sensor-based systems, preparing students for real-world challenges in engineering and technology fields.
Category: Dr. Rajesh Yadav
To enhance the linguistic skills along with
laying a firm foundation for honing students’ soft skills with special focus on
conversational skills.
This course aims at honing the communication, social and professional skills of the learners.
Category: Mr Himanshu saxena
The objective of this course is to enhance the linguistic skills along with laying a firm foundation for honing students’ soft skills with special focus on
conversational skills.
Category: Mr Himanshu saxena
Course Outcomes
BL | ||
S. No. | Course Outcome / Unit | |
Student will be able to: | ||
1 | CONVERSE well by using the four basic skills of English - Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing | 3 |
2 | EVALUATE the importance of conversation in their personal and professional domain, and APPLY it to extend their professional frontiers | 5, 3 |
3 | APPLY motivation skills for their individual and professional excellence | 3 |
4 | UTILIZE their teamwork and their interpersonal communication skills to survive, and excel at their workplace | 3 |
5 | EVALUATE creativity for their professional innovation and critical thinking for their competence | 5 |
Category: Dr. Priyanka Sharma
To enhance the linguistic skills along with laying a
firm foundation for honing students’ soft skills with special focus on
conversational skills.
Category: Dr. Soniya Verma
Course Outcome:
Unit 1- Students will be able to converse well with effective LSRW skills in English.
Unit 2- Students will evaluate the importance of conversation in their personal and professional domain and apply it for extending their professional frontiers.
Unit 3- Students will learn to apply motivation skills for their individual and professional excellence. Unit 4- Students will utilize their teamwork and their interpersonal communication skills to survive and excel at their work-place.
Unit 5-Students will learn to evaluate creativity for their professional innovation and critical thinking for their
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar Tyagi
BAS 105 is a complete soft skills course including applied grammar with various attributes of communication skills like listening, speaking, reading & writing, comprising of presentation skills with workplace skills
BAS 205 is a complete soft skills course including applied grammar with various attributes of communication skills like listening, speaking, reading & writing, comprising of presentation skills with workplace skills
Course Outcome:
Unit 1- Students will be able to converse well with effective LSRW skills in English.
Unit 2- Students will evaluate the importance of conversation in their personal and professional domain and apply it for extending their professional frontiers.
Unit 3- Students will learn to apply motivation skills for their individual and professional excellence. Unit 4- Students will utilize their teamwork and their interpersonal communication skills to survive and excel at their work-place.
Unit 5-Students will learn to evaluate creativity for their professional innovation and critical thinking for their competence.
Category: Dr. Babita Tyagi
open elective for third year six semester KOE068

Software Project Management for ME VI sem students
Category: Dr. Piyush Pant
Course Outcomes
1. Students will be enabled to understand the nature and objective of Technical Communication relevant for the work place as Engineers.
2. Students will utilize technical writing for the purposes of Technical Communication and its exposure in various dimensions. 3. Students would imbibe inputs by presentation skills to enhance confidence in face of diverse audience.
4. Technical communication skills will create a vast know-how of the application of the learning to promote their technical competence.
5. It would enable them to evaluate their efficacy as fluent & efficient communicators by learning the voice-dynamics.
Category: Dr. Babita Tyagi
Course Outcomes
1. Analyze the nature and objective of Technical Communication relevant for the work place as Engineers. |
2. Utilize the technical writing for the purposes of Technical Communication and its exposure in various dimensions. |
3. Imbibe presentation strategies inputs by presentation skills to enhance confidence in facing diverse audiences in required situations at the workplace. |
4. Create vast know-how of the application of the technical learning to promote their communication competence. |
5.Evaluate student’s efficacy as fluent & efficient communicators by learning the voice-dynamics. |
Category: Dr. Babita Tyagi
Course Outcomes
1. Students will be enabled to understand the nature and objective of Technical Communication relevant for the work place as Engineers.
2. Students will utilize technical writing for the purposes of Technical Communication and its exposure in various dimensions. 3. Students would imbibe inputs by presentation skills to enhance confidence in face of diverse audience.
4. Technical communication skills will create a vast know-how of the application of the learning to promote their technical competence.
5. It would enable them to evaluate their efficacy as fluent & efficient communicators by
learning the voice-dynamics.
Category: Dr. Babita Tyagi
1. |
Understand and analyze the nature and objective of Technical Communication relevant for the work place as Engineers. |
BL 2,4 (Understand ,Analyze) |
2. |
Utilize the technical writing for the purposes of Technical Communication and its exposure in various dimensions. |
BL 3 (Apply) |
3. |
Imbibe presentation strategies inputs by presentation skills to enhance confidence in facing diverse audience in required situations at workplace. |
BL 3 (Apply) |
4. |
Create a vast know-how of the application of the technical learning to promote their communication competence. |
BL 6 (Create) |
5. |
Evaluate student’s efficacy as fluent & efficient communicators by learning the voice-dynamics. |
BL 5 (Evaluate) |
Category: Dr. Vipin Kumar Tyagi
Theory of Machines Lab
KME-653 & RME-654
Category: Mr. Abhishek Yadav
Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics (KVE 301)
- Teacher: MS. Veena Parihar (CSAI)
Category: Dr. Minakshi Karwal
Verbal Ability is the defined as the capability of a person in expressing ideas using words in a clearly understandable manner. ... For aspirants who want to get good scores in Verbal Ability, a good vocabulary and sentence-forming skills are vital.
Category: Himanshu Saxena
Human values are the virtues that guide us to take into account the human element when we interact with other human beings. Human values are, for example, respect, acceptance, consideration, appreciation, listening, openness, affection, empathy and love towards other human beings.

Category: Mr. Shubham Shukla
What you’ll learn:
- The basics of HTML and CSS
- Bootstrapping
- An introduction to best coding practices
- What types of web design jobs you can find
- What tools web designers use for their day-to-day tasks

Category: Ms. Garima Singh
Web Designing Workshop
Subject Code:BCS353
- Teacher: Ankit Kumar Saini [CSIT]
Category: Mr. Abhishek Tyagi
What you’ll learn:
- The basics of HTML and CSS
- Bootstrapping
- An introduction to best coding practices
- What types of web design jobs you can find
- What tools web designers use for their day-to-day tasks

Category: Ms. Garima Singh
Web technology involves the use of hypertext markup language (HTML) and cascading style sheets (CSS). It involves methods by which computers communicate with each other through the use of markup languages and multimedia packages . It gives us a way to interact with hosted information, like websites. Web development is the work involved in developing a website for the internet or an intranet.Web Technology can be classified into the following sections:
1. World wide web
2. Web Browser
3.Web server
4.Web pages
5.Web development

Category: Ms. Garima Singh
1. Understand the concepts and techniques of mobile radio communication fundamentals like reflection, diffraction, scattering, fading and cellular concept with frequency reuse .
2. Study various types of vocoders, Intersymbol interference and various Diversity techniques in Mobile communication.
3. Understand Equalization techniques and various Multiple access techniques
4. Design GSM and CDMA and its components in mobile and wireless communication.
5. Design a 3G and 4G wireless communication system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.
Category: Mr. Mohit Tyagi
WMC is a subject that spreads the conceptual knowledge of mobile cellular networking.
Category: Dr. Abhishek Sharma
Ø Understand the concepts and techniques of mobile radio communication fundamentals like reflection, diffraction, scattering, fading and cellular concept with frequency reuse.
Ø Study various types of vocoders, Intersymbol interference and various Diversity techniques in Mobile communication.
Ø Understand Equalization techniques and various Multiple access techniques.
Ø Design GSM and CDMA and its components in mobile and wireless communication.
Ø Design a 3G and 4G wireless communication system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.
Category: Dr. Vibhav Sachan